Ronit Mitra

My Favourite Shrines in Kyoto

Throughout Japan one of the most popular tourist destinations is a shrine. A lot of shrines are amazing works of architecture and art reflecting the vibrant culture of the country. One of the most popular places to visit shrines is Kyoto. It has over 400 beautiful shrines and temples, and I’m going to tell you about some of the shrines I visited.

Some Quick Tokyo Tips For You

Planning trips takes a lot of time and research. In a place as dense with options as Tokyo it can get overwhelming and certainly time taking. Coming up I’ll go over my travels in Tokyo but before this let me give you some tips for you to fully enjoy your trip.

A Quick Guide to Guitar Effects Pedals

Guitar is my favourite hobby but I am realizing that it is a demanding hobby when it comes to upgrading your gear which can quickly become hard to understand, elitist, and expensive. The basics are an amplifier and a guitar, if it is a hobby, it is probably best to go with a guitar you find comfortable and a small practice amp. After that the next step up are effects.


My Top 5 Amar Chitra Katha Books

Here I list my top five favourite Amar Chitra Katha books. More than just mythology like Ramayana and Mahabharata, here is Jataka Tales and Birbal stories as well. Enjoy this list of the all-time favourite ACK books and comics coming to you in the form of a video.

Cyber Crime Series 1: An Introduction

Cyber-crime is a world-wide problem that everyone can do something to stop. Cyber-crime comprises of illegal activities conducted over the internet, social media and other digital pathways by hackers and other digital wrongdoers. A few common examples of cyber-crime are hackers taking advantage of the fact that they may remain invisible to steal money from …

Cyber Crime Series 1: An Introduction Read More »

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